Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
JPMC已经实施了分类管理方法来采购和采购. This means that our Sourcing teams are aligned to discrete groups of similar or related products and services. It is possible that the products you offer span across multiple Sourcing Categories at JP摩根.
That is not recommended. 一旦您与各自的采购类别团队建立了关系, 你应该与他们合作,在澳博官方网站app寻找更多的机会. The Sourcing professional would be aware of demand for your products or services throughout the entire organization
No, we do business with companies of all sizes. We actively buy from small businesses as well as large. 我们追求的是每一个品类的创新和价值.
Supplier Diversity Questions
公司致力于促进多元化供应商的经济增长和发展. Senior management’s commitment, policies, procedures, strategies, 结果表明,供应商多样性是我们DNA的一部分. We are proactive in our outreach to diverse businesses, 将他们与内部和外部决策者联系起来. Our efforts help to build a strong and vibrant diverse supplier pipeline that creates mutually beneficial business relationships and increases shareholder valu
A diverse business is one which is certified by a JP摩根 追逐-designated third-party (see Certification agencies),即符合至少拥有51%股权的定义, 由不同群体的一个或多个成员控制和经营的:少数人, 女性, 经验丰富的, Service disabled 经验丰富的, Disabled and LGBT. Certification is the means by which suppliers are validated to be a diverse business as defined above. 这使澳博官方网站app能够验证其供应商的多样性. 只有经过认证的企业才能注册澳博官方网站app供应商多样性网络.
If a supplier does not satisfy the certification requirements set forth by the national certifying bodies, but it meets one of the following criteria, the supplier will be considered, on a case-by-case basis, for registration in the Supplier Diversity Network in industries or for business models where few or no diverse businesses with significant scale exist. 然而,我们的最终目标将是协助该公司成为认证实体. Registration will be contingent upon the desire of the company to seek and obtain certification within a limited period of time. 例如,“多元化领导”公司可以定义如下:
- The company is partially owned (at least 30%) and fully controlled and operated by one or more U.S. citizens from the designated diversity groups
- The company is publicly traded, 但最大的股东集团由一个或多个美国公司组成.S. citizens from the designated diversity groups
Registrants of the SDN are part of a supplier database that is made available to procurement decision-makers. 该网络还为不同的供应商提供访问定制, 特定商品的内部媒人/贸易展(实体和虚拟), information sessions on procurement strategies, networking receptions with buyers and prime suppliers, 企业管理研讨会和工作坊,以及介绍金融服务.
The Global Supplier Diversity team works with sourcing (procurement) decision-makers throughout the firm to aggregate demand opportunities/pipelines. We investigate the minimum criteria required of a supplier for an engagement and attempt to identify those suppliers that meet most or all of the criteria. 请 note that acceptance into the SDN does NOT equate to any other JP摩根 追逐 supplier status, such as “Preferred.它不保证您将收到JPMC的合同或采购订单.
We use the contact information in the SDN database as the source for electronic disbursement of a Request for Preliminary Information (RFPI) or a telephone interview, at which time suppliers are asked to define their capabilities as they relate specifically to the minimum engagement criteria. Criteria will vary by industry and will be limited to a few measurable, objective parameters. The RFPI is NOT intended to serve as a full Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Proposal (RFP). 我们的目标是为供应商提供真正的采购机会. 然而, nothing should take the place of independent sales and marketing efforts to make direct contact with internal decision makers. 我们鼓励供应商在SDN之外建立独立的内部关系, as with any good sales and marketing approach.
We will maintain a company's profile in our database for as long as its certification remains current. We recommend that suppliers update their company profile a minimum of once each calendar year. Updates to contact information, including e-mail addresses, 必须立即发出以确保活动的邀请, rfp, 等.
是的. We ask and recommend that our largest non-diverse suppliers support this effort by either seeking out direct sub-contracting opportunities with diverse suppliers or to improve their own supplier diversity initiatives in doing business with JP摩根 追逐. 与不同供应商的“支出”通过我们的二级供应商计划进行监控.
To find out more about this program, click here.
In order to participate in the SDN, a supplier must be certified by one of the JP摩根 追逐 recognized certification agencies (see Certification agencies). We do not accept self-certification.
身处 Questions
据身处介绍,身处是全球商业贸易网络. 身处 combines industry-leading cloud-based applications with the world's largest web-based trading community to help companies discover and collaborate with a global network of partners. Using the 身处 Network, 各种规模的企业都可以与世界各地的贸易伙伴建立联系, at any time, from any application or device to buy, 出售, 并且比以往任何时候都更有效地管理他们的现金. Companies around the world use the 身处 Network to simplify inter-enterprise commerce and enhance the results that they deliver.
The 身处 Network offers suppliers a broad range of solutions and services to manage business transactions and content through a web browser or electronically through EDI/cXML. Being part of the 身处 Network positions suppliers to attract more business from existing customers, as well as gain new ones.
You can access your 身处 Network supplier account and other information about the 身处 Network with this link:
According to 身处, 身处网络是世界上最大的贸易伙伴社区, home to more than 1.200万家公司,其中包括超过一半的财富500强公司. Our experience with 身处 has generally been positive and involved 身处 providing fast and efficient transmission, tracking, and processing of orders and invoices.
你需要在我们的关系之外直接与阿里巴签约. 去 身处.com 注册一个完整的帐户或一个免费的Light帐户. Once you have registered, please notify of the 身处 Network ID associated with your account. JP摩根 追逐 will update their system with the 身处 Network ID so all future purchase orders will transfer to the purchase order queue associated with your 身处 Network ID.
请 Note:
- Having an ANID alone does not qualify a potential supplier to do business with JP摩根 追逐. 在我们将您的ANID添加到系统之前,您必须被邀请开始一个约会.
- 使用身处完整账户需要支付费用. 然而,完整的帐户还将为您提供更强大的工具. If you don’t want to sign up for the full account, 你也可以注册一个Light账户,这样你就可以免费交易了, but with fewer, more streamlined functions.
It is important to review the information, training materials, 以及澳博官方网站app供应商信息门户网站提供的参考文件. To access the Supplier Information Portal:
- Log into your 身处 Network production account at http://supplier.身处.com
- From the Administrator drop-down menu, select Customer Relationships
- Locate JP摩根 追逐 and click the Supplier Information Portal link next to their 名字
Suppliers that are asked to participate are considered strategic to the ongoing business of JP摩根 追逐 and are thus expected to comply with our invoicing guidelines as a requirement for continuing the relationship. It should also be noted, any fees the supplier incurs from 身处 are the responsibility of the supplier and will not be paid for by JP摩根 追逐.
请 visit the Support page on 身处.com.
Accounts on the 身处 Network are password protected. 您可以在这里了解有关身处数据安全策略的更多信息.
You should review 身处’s terms and conditions and related security policies to make this determination. 然而, by registering on the 身处 Network, suppliers generally make their company profile information available to their current customers as well as other buying organizations on the network. 您的客户使用这些信息通过网络与您进行交易, 潜在的买家用它来建立新的业务关系.
不共享受保护的帐户信息,如Tax ID和帐户设置. 供应商无法访问其他供应商的账户信息.