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简而言之,我们业务的成功取决于它. 在我们的全球市场中发展壮大, our workplace and workforce must be diversified to deliver our best to our global 客户, 我们所服务的客户和社区. 除了, 我们都知道, we – as a diverse and inclusive organization – can spark innovation and discover more ways of sustaining competitive advantages.
Having a diverse and inclusive environment is an imperative — and together, 我们都对我们的尊重和包容文化负责. 努力在我们已经取得成功的领域再接再厉, our continued bold actions will advance our 文化 and how we do business to enable our firm to become a company of choice for clients, 客户, 投资者, 和员工……
- with a diverse workforce that evolves with a rapidly changing marketplace…
- 以一流的方式为所有客户和顾客服务……
- where employees feel authentic, respected and fully engaged – able to deliver their best work; and
- 我们在哪里奖励和认可推动包容的辛勤工作.
作为我们的 商业原则 明确, building a great team and a winning 文化 means strengthening our work environment of respect and 包容. 我们的文化允许任何种族的人, 国籍, 文化, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同, 宗教, physical ability–or other attribute that makes a person unique–have the opportunity to excel based on their performance and contribution to the firm. 简单地说, we understand that our collective diversity is our strength and leads to the best solutions for our clients.
是的, 这种支持从我们的董事长兼首席执行官开始, 杰米•戴蒙, 谁说, "We need to constantly remind ourselves that the most important thing we can do for employees is to build a healthy, vibrant company that treats people with respect and creates opportunity. Everyone counts, and we have to remember that we all support one another.此外, senior leaders also participate in our four Executive groups – the 亚洲, 黑色的, Hispanic and LGBT+ Executive Forum – serving as a collective voice for the communities they represent.
是的,多元化,公平 & 包容是全公司的全球性努力. 无论我们在哪里做生意, our goal is to hire the best people from the broadest pool of applicants, including groups that are underrepresented in our workforce–yet present in the local population. By doing so, we are better able to serve an international clientele in a culturally-informed manner.
To hire the most talented people, we cast a wide net when recruiting. 我们相信,多样性远远超出了性别和种族的范畴, so our outreach efforts include a broad spectrum of strategic partnerships with organizations that promote diversity–including Historically 黑色的 Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), LGBT+研究生团体, organizations that provide job training to people with disabilities, 退伍军人协会, 以及支持女性技术人员的项目, 举几个例子. 我们的培训计划, 实习, 奖学金的机会, job fair participation and partnerships with professional associations all help to build our pipeline of diverse talent. To 了解更多,我们邀请您访问我们网站的职业板块.
是的, in a truly diverse and inclusive workplace, all are responsible and everyone participates. From senior leaders to mid-level managers to individual contributors, all have a role in building and strengthening our workplace 文化 where each person feels welcome and differences are valued for the unique perspective they can offer. Working towards a diverse and inclusive work environment is part of our 行为准则,每位员工每年都必须阅读并签名.
在澳博官方网站app, diversity is a core value of our company–something we seek to achieve, 以及包容的工作环境, 我们在全球各地做生意的地方. 反歧视行动, 另一方面, is a government-mandated initiative intended to remediate effects of the past that adversely affected people who were not of the majority population in the United States. 美国.S. Equal Employment Opportunity laws prohibit discrimination against employees and prospective employees on the basis of a protected class, 比如种族或性别, 美国以外也有类似的法律.S. 而我们的U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity and 反歧视行动 efforts support our diversity, equity & 融入计划, our focus is global and a natural part of how we run our business.
我们邀请您参观我们的 职业生涯 页面今天. Our businesses and support groups post new opportunities on the site frequently and we encourage you to bookmark the page as a favorite so you can easily return often.
We actively cultivate relationships with businesses owned and operated by minorities, 女性, 退伍军人, people with disabilities and individuals from the LGBT+ community – and we're challenging the way business is done by demonstrating market leadership in 供应商的多样性. Since 1994, we've spent more than $13 billion with diverse suppliers. 今天注册或了解更多关于 供应商的多样性 在澳博官方网站app.